
Showing posts from March, 2023

Hour of Code!

 Hour of Code is a website that allows for students to have some freedom in creatively expressing themselves while still having guidelines to keep them on a learning path on the website. Depending on the coding that is done, this website can help to work on fast facts in math class or solving word problems in reading. The educator can create a game that is engaging for the students, yet still teaches them the standards at hand. The students associate fun with learning, which makes them happier and more excited to come back to school the next day. Hour of Code can be found at The following image is the hour of code that I participated in for my class last week. 

Glide App Creator!

  The Glide app is a multi-access app that allows users to create apps for phones and laptops without having to understand coding. There is a simple step by step process to go through to create an app, download the app to other devices, and even how to share the app with friends. I plan on using this app in the future to be able to create easier ways to track individual student progress, attendance, and other tasks in the classroom that are much simpler through the use of technology. I highly recommend giving it a try if you are looking for something new to incorporate to your learning and education organization. The above screenshot is a direct image of the screen that I see after having created two different apps to play around on Glide.

Blogging in the Classroom

 Have you ever considered incorporating blogging into the classroom? Not only is a blog a great way for students to let there creativity flow, but it is also a great way to ensure that the students are able to navigate technology. Most classrooms in the modern world have some sort of technology for each student in the classroom. Because of this, blogging is a great way to keep children entertained and active in class during periods of time that might not be filled otherwise. It keeps the children in control while the teacher works on transitioning into the next subject. Incorporating blogging into the classroom takes some time for set up, but after the set up process is done, children will be able to access their blogs easily. Getting the children something to write about is as easy as doing a quick little google search and finding a child appropriate writing prompt. Have the students write for x amount of time or until they have wrapped up the writing prompt that was given. Below is a

Keyboard Shortcuts

  This image was taken from and is very useful to take quick shortcuts. There are 20 shortcuts on this list, some of which are pretty common, and some of which are useful but not well known. Personally, I only knew about a few of these shortcuts, but the rest of these shortcuts will be helpful for me in the future. I think the one that I did not already know about and that I will use the most would be SHIFT+HOME. There have been many times where I only wanted to highlight a part of a document to change the font size, but I did not know about this shortcut, so I would have to go through and manually highlight the section that I needed. With this new shortcut, I will be able to get things done faster and more efficiently.