
Showing posts from February, 2023


 I have come across a new resource for making learning interactive and fun for young children. On this website, there are many different activities and ways for children to get involved. I am currently using the free trial, but there is a subscription fee after the free trial is over. Because of this, I will probably not incorporate it into the classroom, but it could be something to recommend to the parents of young children who might struggle with learning at a standard pace. This website is a great way to allow for children to catch up and excel outside of the classroom. Check it out: 

Adventure Academy

  Adventure Academy is an online learning source for children ages 8-12. This online resource creates a fun way for children to learn without then realizing they are learning. There are many different games that are within this website that are a great way to keep children engaged. This website promotes learning age appropriate topics through games and word problems. While there is a monthly fee for this website, it allows for a 30 day grace period to make sure the website is worth the money. The focus of this website is Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. It is a great all around source for young people to grasp the concept of each of these categories. The Adventure Academy can be found at the following website: 

Creative Presentations

 Like most people, I went through grade school seeing nothing but PowerPoints all day every day. This gets old really quickly. Because of this, I have been looking into new ways to make learning more entertaining and engaging. I have come up with a couple new resources for presenting information in a way that differs from PowerPoint. The first source I have found is Prezi. While there is a small monthly fee, Prezi is a great way to get creative with information deliverance. It is set up similar to Power Point from the viewer end of things, but there are so many more engaging opportunities that can be found and incorporated into a presentation through Prezi. The next resource I have found is Canva. Canva is a free site that has hundreds of templates to follow to create a beautiful presentation that does not follow the typical slide format of a presentation. Canva is very interactive with the slides moving all over the place to keep the viewers engaged wondering where the next slide is g


 This is the first of many blogs about my Personal Learning Network (PLN) that I will be using to gather all of my information in to make for easy access for all.   a.) The first piece of information I am posting for my PLN is an educational blog titled "Teaching Made Practical" which is published by Kalena Baker. Within her blog, she gives many different activities for children in the classroom throughout the year as long as many different links to where she was able to purchase classroom materials for a good price. Her blog can be found at this link:  b.)Another blog that I found intriguing is ran by Teach Thought and is published by Terry Heick. This blog brings forth a new outlook on how to have engaging conversations with students that promotes learning without them realizing they are learning. This blog can be found here: https: