This is the first of many blogs about my Personal Learning Network (PLN) that I will be using to gather all of my information in to make for easy access for all. 

 a.) The first piece of information I am posting for my PLN is an educational blog titled "Teaching Made Practical" which is published by Kalena Baker. Within her blog, she gives many different activities for children in the classroom throughout the year as long as many different links to where she was able to purchase classroom materials for a good price. Her blog can be found at this link: 

b.)Another blog that I found intriguing is ran by Teach Thought and is published by Terry Heick. This blog brings forth a new outlook on how to have engaging conversations with students that promotes learning without them realizing they are learning. This blog can be found here: 

c.) The next recommendation I have for educational learning is the twitter page titled "Elementary & Secondary Education Foundation KP" which focuses on educational advancements that are being made all around the world. There are some very fascinating things on the page and are worth getting checked out. Their twitter handle is @esefkpk

d.) The final resource for this blog post is another twitter account to follow which is titled "Elementary Educators" which focuses more on the different racial backgrounds that different educators come from and why it is so important to promote equality within education. Their twitter handle is @ETFOeducators

e.) Solution Tree is the next resource I have chosen. On Solution Tree, it lists an easy way for finding the right textbooks and paths that are available for purchase to benefit both the educator and student. The website is

f.) Adventure Academy is a great resource for educators to recommend to students to put in extra work outside of class to stay up to the grade level expectations. All common subjects can be worked on at

g.) Education is a website that can be used from the educator standpoint as a guideline to create lesson plans for certain expectations that need to be met. Education can also be used from the student stand point to find extra worksheets to help grasp the concept of different topics better. This cite can be found at

h.) is a great educational resource for students to use to be able to excel in their education. Through, students grade 3+ can access all content needed to meet every curriculum given to them. This cite can also help the educator to double check and ensure that they are meeting all curriculum expectations.

i.) PLTW is a platform that is helping educators create a more hands-on experience in the classroom. Many students learn better through hands-on experiences. The website is updating constantly and coming out with new activities often. This platform can be found at

Image Citation: 

Rodriguez, Michael. "Creating And Curating Your Digital Professional Learning Network". HLS, 2014, Accessed 2 Feb 2023.
