Previous Educational Technology Experience

 I am currently enrolled in a college course called technology in the classroom. For this class, I have to create a blogpost every week in order to receive a good grade. This week, I am considering the amount of experience in the past that I have had with educational technology. From the student stand point, I am highly capable of operating with the Canvas learning platform. The high school I attended used Canvas and the college I am currently attending uses Canvas. Other educational technology platforms I have used are Microsoft Word and Excel spreadsheet. I definitely have much more experience with Word, but I am able to operate Excel to a good enough extent to do simple things with it. I took and class my sophomore year of high school that went over how to use the different apps within Microsoft office. I also have enough experience with PowerPoint to create a simple slideshow as needed. Other than these few educational technology sources, I have not had any experience with educational sources online.
