Music in the Classroom

 I have personally experienced many different opinions on playing music in the classroom during work times given for the students to get late work done or just to have a mental break during the school day. I have always been on the side of not playing music in the classroom because some students struggle to focus when there is music playing. After reading the article that can be found at the link below from Harvard Medical School, I have changed my mind on playing music in the classroom. It says that playing music allows for the entire brain to be activated instead of just certain parts of the brain that are used for everyday tasks. With music playing, students would be able to use the function of their entire brains. Not only will this boost their testing skills, but it will help them to retain more information for longer periods of time. I recommend reading through the following article before having an opinion of music playing in the classroom. It will benefit students greatly to play music in the background. While I would not recommend songs with words in them to distract the students, I would recommend having piano or orchestra music playing to benefit the student's learning abilities. 

